Resonance and the Pre-Formal

I tell you all that, without any struggle, you can attain complete realization now,
right right where you are.
-Zen Master Bankei

We have outlined five of the primary determinative principles of the decontrated Origin which have particular importance to the practice of Aikido and Aikibojitsu.

First of all, the Origin contains within it the seeds or Platonic ideal of all form we observe in the day to day manifested universe (Duality). These deep movements within the Void gradually emerge into specific patterns. While the Void contains infinite potential and infinite variations of these forms and patterns, the emergence of form along the Stream of Creation removes potential until the final immutable form is realized.

In addition, the emergence of form is an exponential process (Nonlinearity) and continuous in discrete expression (Periodicity) from instant to instant (and thus is not to be confused with the difference between continuous and discrete functions as in calculus).

Combined with intelligent action, these aspects of universal function leave us with a remarkable and astounding concept: the practitioner of Aikido and Aikibojitsu can, using the training as a tool to experience an instant of intelligent observation that frees the practitioner from being bound between the covers of the field guide, move upstream from the final determined instant of Creation and act with power on the still-emerging forms. The implications for martial study are profound.

The determinitive principle that governs both the emergence of existence as well as behavior of manifested existence and thus forms the basis of martial study is the hyperbolic spiral.

Pattern within nature suggests a deeper movement, a more subtle level of determinative patterns that govern final manifestation. To sense designed to perceive the manifested, such patterns are mostly undetectable; usually only their effects can be onbserved (recall the earlier discussion regarding the known, the unknown, and the image structure). These patterns are principles of the nonmanifested, expressions of preference of the decontracted unknown Decontracted Unknown : The full spectrum of the unknown is that which exists 'prior' to, and thus independent of, the images of the known. The unknown is a spectrum of relative contraction and relative definition of pure energy that ranges from the fornlessless of Original Sources, to the full formal energy of material substance and instaneous material existence. , determinant of the manifested finality of what is.

Causally superior, determinative principles guide and control all action, yet their fundamental nature is not fully restrictive, as infinite range within their confining bounds allows infinite possibility within manifested Creation.

Although not strictly formal, determinative principles are not formless either, as each principle expresses partiality, a departure from pure formlessness. As such detmerinative principles carry characteristics of material substance, but pre-formal Pre-formal : The field of Potential (principles and structures) that lies 'upstream' of manifested form in the instantanous Stream of Creation, before form.

Taken in its totality, preformal field of determinative principles comprises a spectral range of relative definition, from most general to most specific, from the amorphous Origin of pure energy to the absolute definition of matter.

In the Stream of Creation, the five primary principles combine and interact, creating a stupendously complex probability interference pattern within the preformal field. This pattern will, in the final instant of contracted manifestation, define absolutely that which manifests.

Manifestive substance and events come into being because superior determinative principles allow them. Order within manifestation is thus based upon the objective determinative structure of upstream principles, laws that bind Creation, controlling and defining all that manifests.

Of the virtually limitless potential of determinative preformal principles, Aikido and Aikibojitsu are particularly bound to exponential functions, and to an emergent form of those functions known as the hyperbolic spiral.

Origin and Decontracted Ground

Explosive Strike Exponentials